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时间:2022-10-15 20:01:07 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2921字


It's not necessary




She tried to escape the unwanted attentions of her former boyfriend.───她尽量避开她过去男朋友多余的殷勤。

Friction usually results in unwanted heat that flows into the atmosphere and is wasted.───摩擦导致产生不必要的热,这些热散失在大气中浪费掉了.

He keeps dogs to ward off unwanted visitors.───他养了狗以防不速之客.

He had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone.───他一直都被视为异类,无人理睬,形单影只。

It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food.───耗资数百万生产无用的食品令人憎恶。

The only way to escape the unwanted attentions of the local men was not to go out.───避免被当地人指指点点的唯一办法就是闭门不出。

Poisons that generally affect only unwanted plants, or weeds, are called herbicides.───那些只抑制多余植物或杂草生长的药被称为除草剂.

Britain belongs to the EU countries, some products are to be the quota, some are unwanted.───英国属于欧盟国家, 有些产品是要配额的, 有些是不要的.


You can give your unwanted goods to charity.

Paul still tends to dish out unwanted advice.

It is very sad when children feel unwanted .

She spent the entire evening fending off unwanted admirers.

This notice should keep unwanted visitors out.