The dilemma of dandyism deeply reflects the paradox of aesthetic modernity.───纨绔主义的困境,深刻反映了审美现代性中的矛盾命题.
It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.───这真是个奇怪的矛盾现象—职业喜剧演员的私人生活往往并不快乐。
Paradox and discovery are two sides of the same coin.───矛盾和发现是同一枚硬币的两面.
The paradox quickly became a social science classic, cited in academic journals and the popular media.───这个悖论迅速成为社会科学的经典, 并且在学术期刊和大众媒体中被广泛引用.
He could not bear this continual paradox in which he and the other officers lived.───他们这些当官的天天都在无法自圆其说的处境中过日子,他实在受不了.
The modernity paradox deeply germs from the overrule of capital to labour.───马克思的实践批判是解决现代性的根本矛盾的一种切实可行的方案.
The paradox is that most help for internet addicts is only available online.───自相矛盾的是,对于那些上网成瘾的人的大多数帮助仅仅是在线提供的.
Manifestation : A Paradox where a creature from the Abyss manifests within caster's vicinity.───显灵: 矛盾之一,来自深渊的生物将会出现在施法者附近.
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