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时间:2022-10-16 00:00:17 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2829字


be intimate with a courtier




White indicates that the pureness admitting of no blasphemy, not admitting smearing pure, has and sacred.───白色表示纯洁, 有着不容亵渎 、 不容玷污的纯净与神圣.

The much discussed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit has its explanation here.───由此我们可以解释有关亵渎圣神的意思.

Their conversation was full of blasphemy.───他们的谈话中充满了渎犯神灵的言词.

The same day, just as miserably, newspapers reported that a 17-year-old schoolboy, also in Karachi, had been arrested and charged with blasphemy.───同一天,同样悲惨的是,报纸报道同样在卡拉奇的一名17岁的男生被捕,并被指控亵渎神明。

Each word was a blasphemy, and there were many words.───每一个词都是侮辱, 不知骂了多少.

It covers a wide linguistic scope , including local dialect, jargon, cant and blasphemy.───它的存在十分广泛, 其中包括土语、行话 、 隐语、暗语 、 黑话、禁语.

He was well punished for his blasphemy against learning.───他因亵渎学问受到了应有的惩罚.

Murder and blasphemy are mortal sins.───谋杀和亵渎神明的言词都是不可饶恕的大罪.


His writings were branded as obscene and a blasphemy against God.