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时间:2022-10-16 04:00:39 作者:星火作文 字数:2690字


Yesterday I went to the supermarket to buy snacks




He said: " Now is the name snacks in a self - rescue. "───他说: “ 现在老字号小吃是在 自我 营救. ”

He must have wolfed down all the snacks already.───他肯定昨天狼吞虎咽般地吃完了所有地零食.

Lili : So do I. Snacks like cookies, nuts, and chocolate.───丽丽: 我也是,比如饼干 、 坚果 、 巧克力等等.

I always go to tuck shop because I like snacks.───我总是去零食店因为我喜欢吃零食.

There weren't enough snacks on hand for the party.───现有宴会的点心不够用.

Foods such as instant noodles are popular as snacks.───速食面之类的食品是流行快餐.

Take leftovers for lunch and bring your own snacks to work.───把剩饭打包当作午餐,并将自家的零食带到班上吃.

kids filled themselves with snacks.───孩子们吃零食吃饱了。


Nuts and fruit make nutritious snacks.

Do you eat sweets, cakes or sugary snacks?

The stall sells drinks and snacks.

Drinks and light snacks are served at the bar.

Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con.