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时间:2022-10-16 04:03:18 作者:星火作文 字数:2879字


explain in detail


申详───explain in detail


Can you please explain in detail?───可以详细解释一下吗?

Then next section will explain in detail how to use them.───下一小节将详细解释如何使用它们。

free writing exercise where you explain in detail the facts of the story.───故事纲要,在自由写作练习中用事实依据完备大纲内容。

Please explain in detail when andand how you lost your purse.───请详细介绍你何时何地钱包丢失的.

Explain in detail the methodology involved and the steps from sampling, data collection, data analysis.───请详述由采样 、 收集数据 、 数据分析各个阶段所采取的方法和步骤.

Could you explain in detail?───您能说得详细些 吗 ?

Please use the given hints and explain in detail.───请使用所给暗示及细节上的解释.


Standard Operating Instructions ( SOIs ) explain in detail how individual tasks are performed.

And then carry on deep research to Multi-source Spatial Data Translation Model in semantic level and explain in detail to the definition, principle, organization of the model.

The full text explain in detail with principle of the TCP connection, principle of the WINSOCK, the basic principle of the port scan and the scan method .

Most class analysts do not explain in detail how policy decisions are actually made.