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时间:2022-10-16 12:01:49 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2493字


Football kickoff


美式橄榄球───American football;开球───Kick off


Vick carved out his niche as the fastest quarterback in American football.───凭借自身努力成为了足球队中最快的四分卫。

An American football field is 91 m long.───橄榄球球场长91米.

national collegiate American football championship was won by Michigan.───全美大学足球联赛的冠军是密歇根大学。

One day, I wrote a bad review of Any Given Sunday, a movie about American football.───有天, 我写了一篇批评美式足球电影《挑战星期天》的评论.

In American football, a touchdown scores six points.───在美式橄榄球比赛中, 底线得分计6分.

B: Is it anything like American football?───足球跟橄榄球一样 吗 ?

American Football doesn't interest me at all.───美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣.

Television: President Kennedy met with the collegiate All - American Football Team at the Oval Office today.───电视: 肯尼迪总统今日在白宫椭圆形办公室里接见全美大学足球明星队.
