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时间:2022-10-16 12:03:56 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2838字


He was stunned


怔忡───He was stunned


He was stunned to discover cost overspends of at least $1 billion.───他吃惊地发现至少有$10亿的费用超支。

When Hua was walking attentively, he was stunned at a cross he saw in the street.───老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远里看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。

He said he was stunned by the changes.───他说这里的变化让他吃惊。

And when Bush heard about this he was stunned, he was shocked. He had no idea he had a domestic policy adviser.───当布什听到这一消息后他惊呆了,他被完全震住了,他从来不知道他曾有过这样一位国内政策顾问。

Zhang began checking real estate listings in his neighborhood a year and a half ago. He was stunned.───一年半前小张开始关注周边的房产价格,他惊呆了。

During a recent trip to Shanghai and Beijing, he said, he was stunned by the level of awareness of his work there.───在最近一次到上海和北京的旅行中,他说,他被他在这边的工作所受到的关注度所吓到了。


Nicholson said he was stunned; he never knew and thus the magazine article did not include this item.

He was stunned at the bad news.

He was stunned to discover cost overruns of at least $1 billion.

He was stunned by the sudden news.