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时间:2022-10-16 16:04:08 作者:星火作文 字数:2860字






Mother's another photo was taken in Liaodong.───母亲的另一张照片是在辽东拍的。

My hometown dalian is located in the liaodong peninsula.───我的家乡大连坐落于辽东半岛。

Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.───大连位于辽东半岛南部。

My hometown is the dalian city which locate at the front of the peninsula of liaodong in liaoning province.───我的家乡是大连,它位于中国辽宁辽东半岛的最前端。

Qingdao adjacent to the south and the north Dying Yellow Sea, and Liaodong Peninsula confrontation, and Dalian across the sea.───南与青岛毗邻,北濒黄海,与辽东半岛对峙,与大连隔海相望。

The fishery has always been an important prehistoric mode of subsistence in Liaodong Peninsula.───渔业始终是史前时期辽东半岛重要生业之一。


In the Liaodong and Shandong Peninsulas, there are basaltic plateaus.

Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.

Prediction of pressure forming mechanism in the northern part of Liaodong Bay is subcompaction, diagenesis, hydrocarbon forming and deep thermal fluid.

Compared with spotted seals along Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk, Spotted seals of Liaodong Guif had one base insertion at site 16296 of mtDNA, which prove to be marker between these two populations.