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时间:2022-10-17 00:11:29 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2845字


Co ownership


共权───Co ownership


Rimini have agreed terms with Roma over a co - ownership deal for midfielder Ahmed Barusso.───里米尼就中场球员巴鲁索的公共所有权已经与罗马达成一致.

The legal effect of so - called undividable co - ownership also can be expressed.───即使如此,共同共有所拥有的法效果也能被表达出来.

Hepburn took a different line, with consultation and co-ownership.───赫本则采取了不同的方式,他们共同协商,集体所有。

Conditions such as limited registration or co - ownership should be explained in full.───其中的一些条款像一些有条件的注册内容或者共同拥有条款要给予完整的解释.

Thus, there are three relationships inlaw among the owners: neighborhood, co - ownership and team membership.───因此, 在各区分所有人之间形成了三种不同的法律关系: 相邻关系 、 共有关系和团体关系.

There shall be two kinds of joint ownership, namely co - ownership by shares and common ownership.───共有分为按份共有和共同共有.

The supplier shall label the tools as our property or property held in co-ownership, as applicable.───供应商应根据具体情况将该工具标记为我们的财产或我们拥有共有权的财产。

Stopped low Co-Ownership bids from being accepted incorrectly in Italy.───停低共同所有投标被接受的错误在意大利。
