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时间:2022-10-17 04:00:30 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2836字


Duality of labor




Absolute Truth, which is beyond duality and relativity.───绝对真理, 已经超越了二元性和相对性.

The duality of ontological meaning shows the contradiction between ontological thinking method and subjective thinking method.───本体意义的二重性透露出庄子哲学在思维方式上的矛盾———本体论思维方式与主体性思维方式的矛盾.

The societal attribute and the natural attribute are the duality of education.───自然属性和社会属性是教育的二重性.

There exists a strong duality between Z _ ( ind ) and the indefinite admittance matrix Y _ ( ind ).───不定阻抗 矩阵 和 不定 导纳矩阵之间有着很强的对偶性.

The ideas of'negative'and'positive'are relative, and are within realm of duality.───正和负是相互关联的观念, 是二元性的范畴.

The duality system is introduced for the problem of elastic cylinders with transverse isotropy.───针对横观各向同性弹性柱体问题构造了对偶体系.

Packaging as a comprehensive discipline, with a combination of goods and the duality of art.───包装作为一门综合性学科, 具有商品和艺术相结合的双重性.

Theoretically we should know the duality of globalization with subjectivism and objectivism.───在理论上我们要认识到全球化具有客观性和主观性二重性.
