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时间:2022-10-17 04:03:17 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2641字


Polygonum hydropiper


薵蓼───Polygonum hydropiper


Flower size variation at the inflorescence and individual levels and its trade-off with flower number were evaluated in annual herb, Polygonum hydropiper(Polygonaceae).───探讨一年生植物水蓼花大小在花序上和个体上的变化及花大小与花数量的权衡关系。

" Up until the time of harvest, " red rice yellow water Polygonum hydropiper, with Lan Zhao pan back to the pond.───待到秋收,“水蓼花红稻穗黄,使君兰棹泛回塘。”

Studies on Pharmacognosy of an Ethnodrug Polygonum hydropiper L.───民族药水蓼的生药学研究。

Extraction and separation of the active ingredients from Polygonum hydropiper───水蓼杀虫活性成分的提取与活性


Objective To analyze the constituents in the extracts from the seeds of Polygonum hydropiper L.

Flower size variation at the inflorescence and individual levels and its trade-off with flower number were evaluated in annual herb, Polygonum hydropiper(Polygonaceae).

The application of Polygonum hydropiper L. on botanical pesticides, medicine and health care, medicine was reviewed.