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时间:2022-10-17 08:04:12 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2859字






I compared the bowl of soup that sat before me with the crispy chicken.───我把摆在我面前的那碗汤跟酥鸡对比一下.

Dining off crispy chicken , Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Daokou braised chicken, what's the difference?───香酥鸡 、 肯德基 、 道口烧鸡,大同小异.

Mossy green envelops her in the early spring, crispy and soft.───初春的时候,她浑身绿茸茸的, 又脆又嫩.

Peking Duck became famous for its crispy skin and tender meat.───例)北京烤鸭以皮脆肉嫩而得以闻名.

I will suggest crispy fried duck.───我建议您点香酥鸭.

I don't like fish skin—not seared or crispy.───我不喜欢鱼皮——不烤的或脆皮的。

Deep fry them until crispy and lightly golden in colour.───放到锅里炸至酥脆,颜色呈金黄色即可.

It is crispy and high in protein without being oily.───“鼎采香”大厨,身怀祖传秘方,每季变换一种调料,既美味又养生.


Try this tasty dish for supper with a crispy salad.

Cook under a hot grill until brown and crispy.

You can serve the chicken with a crispy stir fry of mixed vegetables.

They have a crispy crumb topping and are free from artificial colours and flavourings.

Soon the trees will bear apples whose crispy, white flesh will not turn brown even hours after being cut open.