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时间:2022-10-17 12:00:38 作者:星火作文 字数:2707字






How did the court play? Was It'slow - ish, soft - ish? Was it what you expected?───场地 如何 ?是不是比较慢比较软? 是你所期望的 吗 ?

MR COEBEN , 50 ish , short pudgy, climbs carefully back through the window.───科本先生, 50出头, 又矮又胖, 小心的爬进窗户.

P 16 messenger RNA ( mRNA ) , p 27 mRNA weredetected by in situ hybridization ( ISH ) in these tissues.───应用原位杂交 技术检测 相应组织中p16mRNA和p27mRNA的表达.

Sa: it was a very French deja vu - ish kind of thing . Oui ( French for yes ).───格: 你是说这是一件离奇的事?

Goyle has short, bristly hair and long, gorilla - ish arms.───高尔的头发短而硬, 胳膊粗壮如猩猩一般.

A N ew R ad ish C u ltivar'Q iufeng 2'───萝卜新品种‘秋丰2号 ’

One that means you wear your usual summer clothesa crafty holiday - ish way.───要耍一点小花招,把平常的夏装穿出不一样的假日味道来.

They will be even more effective if the dilettante - ish applies himself.───如果小顽童罗比尼奥能更上进,他们将会更有效率.


He stayed at the ISH, from whose lofty heights he could see across New York.