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时间:2022-10-17 12:03:11 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2842字


My teachers




He was in trouble with his teachers.───他受到了他的老师们的训斥。

Teachers often view youth workers as undisciplined and ineffectual.───老师们常认为青少年工作者纪律性差且能力低下。

The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature.───这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。

Speakers have been shouted down, classes disrupted, teachers made to grovel.───发言人的声音被叫嚷声盖住了,课堂一片混乱,老师们不得不好言相劝。

Employees are paid salaries commensurate with those of teachers.───给员工的薪水与老师拿的薪水相当。

Teachers were threatened with kitchen knives, physically assaulted and verbally abused..───.老师们被人用菜刀威胁,遭受人身侵犯和言语辱骂。

These teachers need special training.───这些教师需要专门的培训。

Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have.───有的老师比小学生的父母更能管得住他们。


Some students disrespect teachers and parents.

The teachers are the school's biggest asset.

Teachers are far from complacent about this problem.

Other people’s defects are good teachers

Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.