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时间:2022-10-17 16:01:27 作者:语文迷 字数:2869字


what has been cannot be withdrawn


驷马───Sima;难追───Hard to catch up with


What did Sima Guang do for protecting national treasures?───为保护国宝做了什么?

Sima Guang shook his head and said proudly:" my own hand off.───司马光晃了晃脑袋,得意地说:“是我自己用手弄掉的。”

little Sima Guang left alone.───剩下小司马光独自在为难。

Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded .───诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿不知道这座城其实是空的。

Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. "───刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”

Though Sima Qian was very distressed , he took great pains to write with strong will and completed the great historic book Shi Ji.───司马迁非常痛苦,但他凭着坚强的意志,发奋著书,终于完成了《史记》这部伟大的历史著作。


Sima Qien lived between 145 and 86 B.C.

Sima Wali is one of them.

The thickness of sima is not easily measured.

Sima Guang also well - known figure.

Sima Qian is a famouse historian, literati and editor.