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时间:2022-10-17 16:03:39 作者:语文迷 字数:2618字


Eager to make a robot




If there is one thing one always yearn for and sometime attain, it is human love!───如果有一件人可以永远渴望,而且有时能够得到的东西, 那就是人类的爱!

This university has rich pedagogical resources , and is a school that students yearn to attend.───这所大学师资力量雄厚, 是所有学子都向往的学校.

If you do yearn for chocolate, try a carob bar instead.───你要是非常想吃巧克力,那就嚼根角豆条解馋吧。

All of us actually yearn for a slow and calm life.───事实上,我们都渴望一个缓慢而平静的生活。

People understandably yearn to return to the good old days of the late 1990 s.───人们希望回到上个世纪90年代末的好时光,这是可以理解的.

The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails!───虫子越受苦, 我就越想碾碎它们.

Dear, how I yearn those happy days together with you!───亲爱的, 好怀念和你在一起那段开心的日子.

Every day I think about you, and I yearn to see your smile.───每天当我一想起你就渴望见到你的笑容,虽然我是如此的想念你.
