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时间:2022-10-17 20:03:11 作者:星火作文 字数:2977字


Is Hangzhou hot now




The scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou in spring is attractive.───春天的苏杭,景色宜人.

Yangzhou's canal is the oldest section of the Beijing - Hangzhou Canal.───扬州的运河是京杭大运河最古老的一段.

Our company near Beijing - Shanghai Railway, ancient Beijing - Hangzhou River , national way, Shanghai - Nanjing Expressway.───紧靠京沪铁路 、 行古运河 、 12国道、宁高速公路.

I'm traveling to your hometown, Hangzhou.───我要去你的家乡杭州旅游。

Heaven above , Hangzhou below. Longjing green tea. silk. great food. long history.───上有天堂, 下有苏杭. 龙井茶. 丝绸. 美食. 渊源历史.

Desperately defend and Hangzhou if circumstances do not favor a retreat.───情况不利于撤退的时候,分别固守京、、诸点,以图顽抗.

You've seen the Broken Bridge on the White Causeway in Hangzhou's West Lake, haven't you?───你见过西湖白堤上的断桥不是?

There is Paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.───上有天堂,下有苏杭.


Provide up-dated line capacity information to Hangzhou APS.

Hangzhou land resources bureau during the Spring Festival this meticulously organized market survey.

Hangzhou West Lake, waterside songs units assigned to it by artificial elegant United States.

How long does it take to fly to Hangzhou?

Anywhere has Hangzhou to sell cherry tomato (trunk's that).