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时间:2022-10-18 00:03:19 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2772字


There's no point


没有───No,;看点───What to watch


She had no money coming in and no funds.───她既无固定收入也无存款。

We thought you'd emigrated."—"No, no."───我们还以为你已经移民了呢。”—“不,没有。”

No, no, no," Morris said crossly.───不,不,不,”莫里斯愤怒地说。

Al Bedwell : No, the manufacturers are trying to make them exciting by giving them, you know, eco badges such as eco-netic or eco-flex.───阿尔·贝德韦尔:不,制造商正试图通过给他们生态标志而让他们兴奋,如生态遗传或生态伸缩。

They had no doubt that the civil war was at an end, and to them it appeared impossible that the just cause of the North had not triumphed.───他们深信内战已经结束了,他们认为北军的正义事业是不可能不获得胜利的。

His company, however, ended up in the red. It lost more money than it earned. The company was no longer profitable.───但是,他的公司就没这么好运了,出现财政赤字,亏的钱比赚的还多,不再盈利了。


There is no end to learning.

There is no escape [flying] from fate.

Black will take no other hue.

No, I just like to watch.

A gloved cat catches no mice.