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时间:2022-10-18 00:05:07 作者:星火作文 字数:3610字


He is studying in Jilin University


吉林大学───Jilin University;正在───In progress


Zhihong, deputy director of the Employment Guidance Center at Jilin University, suggests students pay a personal visit to target companies.───吉林大学就业指导中心副主任郑志红(音译)建议学生们可以亲自去拜访自己心仪的公司。

Li Yanfu, a Jilin University student that I spoke with, says that he has no problem with the ads since he doesn't have to buy any of them.───吉林大学的李严复在接受采访时说,他根本不在乎这些广告,因为他也压根不会去买这些商品。

SETTING: Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Science, Jilin University.───单位:吉林大学基础医学院组织与胚胎学教研室。

MATERIALS: One healthy male adult fresh Cadaveric pelvis was offered by the Department of Anatomy in Jilin University.───材料:健康成人男性新鲜尸体骨盆骨一具由吉林大学解剖教研室提供。

Welcome to Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Center of ZhuHai College, JiLin University !───欢迎来到吉林大学珠海学院外语教学与研究中心!

the fourth chapter, organization interventions measures of nurse burnout in the First Hospital of Jilin University .───第四章,吉林大学第一医院护士工作倦怠的组织干预措施。


Jilin University Distributed Computing System (JDCS) is a local area ring network similar to the famous Cambridge ring.

There are a passel of ancient pottery script which have not been recorded in the cultural relic collection room of Jilin University.

Automobile design and manufacture subject of Jilin University is emphasis subject of "211 project", and it has national emphasis laboratory and the most automobile engineering documents.

Song Lei holds Bachelor of Economics and Master of International Economics from Department of Economics and Institution of Japanese Studies, Jilin University.

Method 81 patients ( include inpatient and outpatient ) came from the frist hospital of jilin university.