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时间:2022-10-18 04:02:53 作者:学习啦 字数:2862字


Star words


繁星───clusters of stars;单词───word


in the distant background sky is the band of our Milky Way galaxy, the Pleiades open clusters of stars, and the Andromeda galaxy.───在遥远的背景天空中的是我们银河系的光带、昴星团,以及仙女座星云。

The Carina nebula is a large bright nebula that surrounds several clusters of stars.───船底座星云是一个巨大明亮的被一些恒星包围着的星云。

If we continue on through the stars, we would be able to see newly-formed clusters of stars and ghostly glowing clouds of gas and dust where stars are either forming or have recently died.───如果继续往外空观察,我们会看到新形成的星团、幽灵般闪耀的热气体云,还有星尘——那些正在成形或已经消逝的星星留下的痕迹。

His photos show clusters of stars in a starfield, or a star trail, which shows the movement of the earth through the sky.───他拍摄的照片为某一片星空中的几组恒星,或者一个恒星的轨迹,表示地球穿过天空的运动。

The things in the sky include stars, planets, nebulae, clusters of stars, and galaxies.───这些天空中的物体包括星星,行星,星云,星团和银河系。

although it is not currently accompanied by a starburst , bright clusters of stars do reside nearby.───虽然现在并没有伴随著恒星暴增的现象,可是确有闪亮的恒星群出现在附近。
