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时间:2022-10-18 08:04:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2635字


Leisure Department


康乐部───Leisure Department


Study author Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing, said "workplace Internet leisure browsing," or WILB, helped to sharpened workers' concentration.───研究负责人、墨尔本大学管理和营销系的布兰特·科克说:“工作时的网络休闲(WILB)”有助于集中员工的注意力。

Study author Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing, said "workplace Internet leisure browsing, or WILB, helped to sharpened workers' concentration”.───研究负责人、墨尔本大学管理和营销系的布兰特? 科克说:“工作时的网络休闲(WILB)”有助于集中员工的注意力。

Study author Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing, said "workplace Internet leisure browsing" or WILB helped to sharpen workers' concentration.───研究负责人、墨尔本大学管理和营销系的布兰特·科克说,“工作时的网络休闲(WILB)”有助于集中员工的注意力。


And the leisure department is to be ordered on to a tough economy drive, paring back all unnecessary expenditure.