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时间:2022-10-18 12:00:17 作者:星火作文 字数:2519字


Very short




I have a distant relative in this small town.───在这个小镇上我有一个远亲.

Jack is very small for his age.───按他的年龄,杰克的个子显得太小.

He failed, and small wonder.───他失败了, 这没什么奇怪.

The store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or what have you.───那家商店卖大号的 、 小号的 、 中号的, 应有尽有.

I want large ones, not small ones.───我要大的, 不要小的.

Each sheet was covered with small, neat handwriting.───每张纸上都写满了工整的小字.

The room was disappointingly small.───屋子小得令人失望。

Use plenty of vegetables because the cooking boils them all down to a small quantity.───要用足够的蔬菜,因为一煮就剩不了多少了.


No great loss but some small profit.

Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

The great fish ear up the small.

The beginnings of all things are small.