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时间:2022-10-18 20:03:19 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2651字


The experiment was repeated three times


实验───experiment;三次───Three times


The experiment has succeeded.───试验已成功.

He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment.───他因病不得不暂时中断实验.

We should like to do another experiment.───我们倒是很想再做一个实验.

The experiment cannot be satisfactory because he has to use the random selection of specimens.───这个实验不会圆满完成的,因为他不得不用那些随意选来的试样.

Only in this way can the experiment succeed.───惟有这样做,试验才能成功.

Mingle these two substances before the experiment.───实验之前先将这两种物质混合起来.

His whole mind was trying out the experiment.───他一心一意准备试验.

She needs plenty of room for experiment in her life.───她一生需要很多尝试的机会。


The experiment produced some unexpected results.

Mingle these two substances before the experiment.

The results of the experiment were inconclusive.

The result of the experiment was satisfactory.

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