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时间:2022-10-18 20:04:29 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3186字


I come from Huarong County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province


湖南省───Hunan Province;华容县───Huarong County


I graduated from Nanhua Univercity in Hengyang of Hunan Province.───我毕业于湖南衡阳的南华大学.

A minibus is trapped on an ice - covered road in Chenzhou, Hunan province.───一辆小巴被困在湖南郴州一条被冰覆盖的公路上.

Our company is the sole agent in Hunan Province of Mingrong Group.───我公司是茗熔集团在湖南省岳阳地区的签约代理商.

Shaoyang is in the northwest of Hunan province.───邵阳在湖南省的西北部。

Yan Jialong was born is Lianyuan city , Hunan province in 1928.───颜家龙,一九二八年生, 湖南涟源人.

Old courtyard is now listed as key protection units in Hunan Province.───老院子现列为湖南省重点文物保护单位.

Yada Times Digital Plaza, Hunan, 2003 1 st - prize, Excellent Engineering Design, Hunan Province.───2003年湖南亚大时代数码广场获湖南省优秀工程设计一等奖.

The river snakes through some of the most beautiful countryside in Hunan province.───这条河蜿蜒流过湖南省一些最美丽的乡村。


The major differentiation pricing in Hunan province concludes following problems:the vagueness of cost base, discrepancy of classification standard and unclearness of implementation effect.

Hunan province is situated in centraland seriously polluted by acid rain.

This fundamental law is only suitable for Hunan province.

Zhou Chunxiang, from Hunan Province, says the Shenzhen government readily paid her and her peers' back pay.

Yan Jialong was born is Lianyuan city , Hunan province in 1928.