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时间:2022-10-19 00:03:58 作者:趣历史 字数:2586字


Yan Yuan


严渊───Yan Yuan


Yan Yuan said:"I wish not to boast my strength and achievements.───颜渊说:“但愿能做到不夸耀优点、不宣飏功劳。”

Yan Yuan is a great educator and thinker in the early Qing dynasty.───颜元是清初知名教育家、思想家。

The campus is also known as' Yan Yuan ', the Garden of Yan.───校园又被称作“燕园”,燕子的花园。

Yan Yuan's pragmatic educational thoughts and practice was a milestone in Chinese educational history, which is of great significance.───颜元的实学教育思想和实践,在中国教育史上,都具有里程碑意义。

Yan Yuan is a well- known scholar in the early Qing Dynasty, thus a pioneer of our educational reforms.───颜元是清初知名实学家,是教育改革的先行。

This article in predecessors' foundation, comprehensively has discussed on the different thought of Yan Yuan and Li Gong.───本文在前人研究的基础上,比较全面地探讨了颜元、李塨的思想差异。


Yan Yuan is a well - famed Chinese educationalist and great thinker.