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时间:2022-10-19 08:02:26 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2708字


The disadvantages are inevitable


弊端───malpractice;不可───must not


She sued her doctor for malpractice.───她控告她的医生失职.

Asserting a medical malpractice needs to determine the relation between the faulty behavior and damage consequence.───认定医疗事故,应当具备主体、主观过错、过失行为和危害行为与损害后果的因果关系等条件.

Make sure malpractice insurance coers you.───确定你的医疗事故保险能保护你.

One could even say it is marketing malpractice.───人们甚至可以将它称为营销违规行为。

The examiner concluded that there was enough evidence to support a case for malpractice against E & Y .───调查者断定已经有足够的证据证明 安永 在雷曼破产案中玩忽职守.

I've heard that lawsuits take a long time. Is that true with malpractice cases?───、听说法律诉讼一般都拖延很长时间, 医疗过失的诉讼的也需要很长时间才能解决 么 ?

The widow sued his surgeon for malpractice.───那个寡妇起诉她的手术医生治疗失当.

President Obama said he does not favor limits on money juries can award in malpractice lawsuits.───奥巴马总统说,他并不赞成对陪审团能够为医疗事故判定多少赔偿金设立上限.
