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时间:2022-10-19 08:04:18 作者:星火作文 字数:2834字






I enjoy eating oyster; it's really delicious.───我喜欢吃牡蛎, 它味道真美.

After the damp weather all the drawers became as fast as a Kentish oyster.───湿季过后所有的抽屉都如肯特郡的牡蛎一般关得死死的.

I think I'll have some oyster cocktail first.───我想我先来点生蚝杯.

This should be the first in China to build oyster shell of the house written.───这应是我国最早建蚝壳屋的文字记载.

You're enough to try the patience of an oyster!───你都够考验一个牡蛎的耐心了!

It is not difficult to open an oyster with a sword.───用剑来开牡蛎并非难事.

B: We'll take the Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce , the String beans and the Mushroom Soup.───我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、杯芥菜和干煽四季豆, 汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤.

You're young, you've got a lot of opportunity. The world is your oyster.───你还年轻,机会有的是。世界是属于你的。


Indeed, a dispute over the oyster beds proceeded to the House of Lords in 1883.

Emma-Jane Mac filled third place on Everest Oyster with the only other clear round of the jump-off.

Now, consider: shrimp, lobster, anchovy, mussel, oyster.

The day cracked open like an oyster.

I enjoy eating oyster; it's really delicious.