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时间:2022-10-19 12:00:18 作者:学习啦 字数:2681字


Leopards can climb trees


豹子───leopard;爬树───climb up a tree


This leopard is in tree in the Mala Game Reserve in Kruger National Park, South Africa.───这只猎豹正在南非克鲁格国家公园的马拉马拉狩猎动物保护区的一棵树上.

He run as fast as a leopard can.───他就如豹一样跑得快.

The clouded leopard is the largest predator on the Borneo and Sumatra Islands.───婆罗洲云豹是该岛以及苏门答腊岛最大的食肉动物.

He walks slowly and soundlessly like a leopard.───他象一只豹子一样缓慢无声地走着.

has spots, the leopard or the tiger?───她过去爱给女儿买时髦别致的豹纹小短裙。

We might become meals for killer whales and leopard seals.───因为我们很有可能成为逆戟鲸和豹形海豹得美餐.

Have manufacturings enterprise of automobile fitting with strength of building new, victory leopard, revitalize inferiorly etc.───拥有建新 、 捷豹 、 兴亚等有实力的汽配生产企业.

A leopard hunts alone, and an injured leopard cannot hunt.───豹向来单独猎食,所以如果受伤了就无法捕猎。


The leopard bounded on the prey.