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时间:2022-10-19 12:05:07 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2592字


A cowherd


牵牛郎───A cowherd


As a cowherd, the boy had to work the farm fields with his ox everyday.───作为一个牛仔,这小男孩不得不工作的农田和他的牛每天。

Buddha said, "Boy, you are a cowherd."───佛陀说,“孩子,你是一个牧童。

So he was called a cowherd.───于是,他被称为牛仔。

Dr. Wang began to work as a cowherd when he was on a child.───王医生还是一个小孩子时就开始给人放牛。

As a cowherd with his staff drives his cows to pasture, so does Death drive the life of men.───就像牧牛人用他的手杖将牛驱赶到草原,死亡也一样驱赶着人的生命。

A cowherd named Nanda, who listened to the discourse, was so much inspired by it that he wanted to be carried away by middle current.───有一位牧童叫作难陀,他听了这部经的开示受到很大的激励,也想被中流带到大海。


Balarama spent his childhood as a cowherd boy with his brother Krishna and friends.

A cowherd walked by the river.

I was lost, when a cowherd appeared and showed me the road.