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时间:2022-10-19 16:05:28 作者:星火作文 字数:2472字


with special respect


另眼相看───with special respect


If you cheated, treat someone with special respect.───如果你舞弊,对别人以特别的尊重。

They like the product with female rich color of course, but if too full-bodied, can be considered as pair of their regard sb with special respect or new views again.───她们当然喜欢女性色彩浓郁的产品,可假如过于浓郁,又会被认为是对她们另眼相看。

We took special care and respect to design and build the user interface to smoothly integrate with Android - this is not just a clone from the iPhone!───我们在设计和开发用户界面时非常精心,以便让它和Android完美结合。这不是一个来自iPhone的复制品!

In fact, think of a class there are so many children are in itch, in the stand, I have no reason for acne with special respect to me!───其实想一想班上有那么多的孩子都在痒,都在忍受,我没有理由要痘痘对我另眼相看吧!

We were being treated with special respect.───我们受到特别的礼遇。
