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时间:2022-10-19 20:00:36 作者:星火作文 字数:2890字


Types of chemical reactions


化学反应───chemical reaction;类型───type


Metabolism is a complexity of chemical reaction.───代谢是各种化学反应的综合.

The two substances are now in contact ( with each other ), and a chemical reaction is occurring.───现在这两种物质 ( 互相 ) 接触产生了化学反应.

This has had the chemical reaction in the Chinese computer user.───这在中国电脑用户中产生了化学反应.

The bacteria, well the bacteria kind of feed the tubeworms through chemosynthesis, remember, that chemical reaction I described earlier.───而细菌呢,有点像通过化学合成的方式来为管虫提供食物,记得之前讲过的化学作用吧。

For example, the rusting of iron is a chemical reaction.───例如, 铁钉的生锈就是一种化学变化.

From the viewpoint of scientists, inflammation means luminous, euthermic chemical reaction.───在科学家看来, 燃烧意味着发光 、 发热的化学反应.

These bacteria actually combine the hydrogen sulfide with the carbon dioxide and this chemical reaction is what produces organic material which is the food for larger organisms.───这些细菌实际上就是硫化氢和二氧化碳的结合体,而这种化学反应产生的有机物质是更大的有机体的食物。

They think I caught fire because a chemical reaction caused spontaneous combustion.───他们认为著火是由于化学变化而引起的自发性燃烧.
