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时间:2022-10-19 20:04:24 作者:语文迷 字数:3504字


Written by brothers green


格林兄弟───Brothers Grimm;写───write


story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.───格林童话也许能让人回忆起一段温馨时光:躺在父母温暖的怀里,听他们讲着故事。

Oh Neil... well research suggests that some fairy tales date back to well before the brothers Grimm and even Shakespeare.───天啊,尼尔。研究显示一些童话故事可以追溯到格林兄弟甚至莎士比亚之前。

brothers Grimm were told two versions of the story by young women of the minor aristocracy.───格林兄弟听过两种不同版本的小红帽。是由两个不太重要的贵族讲述的。

In looking at 200 fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, a rough scoring of the male and female characters reveals a strong dichotomy.───看一下格林兄弟写的200个童话故事,男女人物的粗略统计显示出一种强烈的对比。

The Brothers Grimm had been a dream that most girls minds but also the outcome of their dream.───曾经的格林童话一直是大多数女孩子心中的一个梦,也是她们梦寐以求的结局。

Damon will appear in the Italian city to promote The Brothers Grimm, in which he stars.───马特·戴蒙将来到这座意大利小城,为他主演的影片《格林兄弟》做宣传。


It's no surprise to learn that she numbers among her ancestors the Brothers Grimm.

Thus the Premiership's most enduring fairytale has reached a dark denouement worthy of the brothers Grimm.

Pearls of humor and wisdom from authors such as the Brothers Grimm, Dr. Seuss, Judith Viorst, and Shel Silverstein are at your fingertips.

Many children the world over continue to enjoy the Brothers Grimm Fairytales, adults enjoy Brecht's plays.

Further research, carried out by the German brothers Grimm and others, later revealed that most European languages and some Indian ones have a common ancestor, now known as Indo-European.