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时间:2022-10-20 00:04:04 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2766字


Hide from the world


瞒天瞒地───Hide from the world


I'm afraid because I won't have a reason to hide myself from the world.───我害怕因为我就不会有一个把自己从世界上藏起来的理由。

They have demonstrated that those who do us harm cannot hide from the reach of justice, anywhere in the world.───这些人证明,那些伤害了我们的人无法逃脱正义的审判,不论他们藏在何处。

from the forlorn world his visage hide.───他从这凄凉的世界藏起来。

The killing of Osama was a secret the Obama administration did well to hide from the world till after Will and Kate's wedding in Britain.───欧萨玛的死是一个奥巴马政府向世界埋藏得很深的秘密直到威尔和凯特在英国的婚礼之后。

The Ovei is the ultimate toy. In here, you can hide from the world and play games consoles, surf the net or watch films.───则是一款极品玩具。独立的空间里,你可以玩操控游戏、上网看电影。

In here, you can hide from the world and play games consoles, surf the net or watchfilms.───处于这个独立的空间里,你可以玩操控游戏、上网以及看电影。


I finally decided to hide from the world one more night with her, and the morning be damned.