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时间:2022-10-20 04:03:50 作者:语文迷 字数:2438字


There are toys in the toy box


玩具箱───Toy box;玩具───Toys


It may be in the toy box.───而可能是从玩具盒里蹦出来的呦.

In the toy box? No!───在玩具箱里面 吗 ?不在!

Are you in the toy box?───你在玩具盒子里 吗 ?

I have played entirely the toy box in toy, mother has not come back.───我把玩具箱里的玩具通通耍了一遍, 妈妈还没回来.

My toys are in my toy box. I take them out to play.───我的玩具在我的玩具盒里面. 我把它们拿出来玩.

My toys are in my toy box.───我的玩具在玩具盒里.

toy box can become a black hole of tiny parts, toy accessories and choking hazards.───玩具箱会成为小零件,玩具附件和窒息危险的一个黑洞。

M : In the toy box?───在玩具盒里面?


M : In the toy box?

They are in the toy box.

Are you in the toy box?

Put your toys into the toy box.

My toys are in my toy box.