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时间:2022-10-20 08:03:14 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3117字






Computers think for us, flattening our intelligence.───计算机替我们思考,压平我们的智能。

Used for furnace cooling walls ramming flattening materials in blast furnaces.───1用于大型高炉冷却壁勾头上部找平层的捣打、填充.

tree itself is represented by flattening it in prefix order.───树本身是按照前缀顺序将调试信息扁平化的一种表示方法。

In flattening test, the crack happened in the lagest deformation parts.───压扁试验中试样的最大变形部位出现裂纹状缺陷.

He busied his fingers with flattening the leaves of the book.───他手指忙着抚平书页.

Through a variety of such devices , Carlson succeeded in flattening UAL's organizational pyramid.───通过各种各样的这类措施, 卡尔森成功地展平了联合航空公司金字塔形的组织结构.

A wind shrieked through the chamber, flattening and extinguishing the torches.───一阵风尖叫着穿过房间, 把火把的火焰压平、熄灭.

The flattening and swelling are too small to see.───两极的扁平和赤道的凸出都无法察觉.


The flattening f of Mercury is very slight.

It was hypothesized here that the flattening of the hierarchy was apparent, but this did not automatically democratize.

The flattening of the seat cushion at this instant is owed to the driver's weight at a prior instant.

Flattening tax rates has fast become the mantra of reform-minded politicians.

Squinting against the flattening sun, his eyes were crinkled at the corners like the most flexible leather.