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时间:2022-10-20 12:00:15 作者:语文迷 字数:2753字


Focus on French




The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.───上半场以21:3领先的法国队有8个达阵得分。

His trial revived memories of French suffering during the war.───他的受审重新勾起了在战争中受苦受难的法国人民的回忆。

There were mixed fortunes for French rugby teams on tour.───参加巡回比赛的法国橄榄球队成绩有喜有悲。

Both women were French.───两名妇女都是法国人。

This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French.───这使得奥地利军队可以对法军作战。

They will be in raptures over the French countryside.───他们会深深爱上法国的乡村。

The matter was left in abeyance until Haig saw French.───事情被搁置了起来,直到黑格见到法国人。

The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848.───法国末代国王是1848年逊位的路易·菲力普。


Our first lesson on Tuesdays is French.

Both of the women were French.

John is good at French but weak at history.

French learners of English often mispronounce "ch" as "sh".

During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.