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时间:2022-10-20 12:02:18 作者:学习啦 字数:2896字


Match system


匹制───Match system


Automatic match system is useful to improve the intelligence and autonomous of the E-Commerce platform.───自动撮合系统的研究对提高电子商务平台的智能性、自主性具有重要意义。

Robot soccer match system is a typical multi-agent cooperation system; therefore it is a standard platform for researching multi-agent cooperation problem.───机器人足球比赛系统是典型的多智能体协作系统,是研究多智能体协作问题的标准平台。

This paper stresses that the main motor must match system fly wheel torque, and there must be proper speed drop in shearing.───本文重点分析了主电机要与系统飞轮矩匹配及在剪切时要有恰当的速度降。

This paper proposes a novel architecture of the rule engine system, and implements a prototype of the pattern match system in rule engine.───本文详细阐述了规则引擎的系统架构,并在算法研究的基础上,实现了规则引擎中模式匹配系统的系统原型。

Extended card switches do not match system memory size───扩展卡开关和系统内存大小不匹配


It aims to let the track man adapt new match system, cultivate whose adaptability, keep being on whose game, improve the whole effect of Track and Field training.

A mini - spectrometer that applied to computer color match system is introduced in the paper.