The mental condition is the basic aspect for the externalization of the latent sense.───书法创作者的心态环境是潜意识外化的基本条件.
Solidarity and cooperation, and hard work, innovation, top - notch in its most basic form of externalization.───团结协作 、 顽强拼搏 、 开拓创新 、 争创一流是其最基本的外化形态.
BRBeans — enables the externalization of business rules.───BRBeans——使业务规则外部化。
So we need, at least in part, performance with balancing externalization and exaggeration of feelings.───所以我们需要,至少某种程度上的,适度夸张和外化的表演。
In the silent gaze, you can feel the power of fate: externalization, foreignization and alienation.───在无言以对的凝视中, 你能感觉宿命的力量: 外化 、 异化和他者化.
The four basic functions of knowledge management are externalization, internalization, intermediation and cognition.───知识管理的四项基本功能是:外部化 、 内部化 、 中间层和认知.
The conflict and its externalization finally reduce Blanche to a neurotic patient in the end.───该矛盾以及其外在影响最终导致布朗琪的精神崩溃.
Notarial system is the externalization of the operation mode of notarial power.───公证体制是公证权运行模式的外化.
The mental condition is the basic aspect for the externalization of the latent sense.
Knowledge externalization isone of important tasks in knowledge management.
Notarial system is the externalization of the operation mode of notarial power.
Such externalization of costs significantly reduces the costs of raw materials to given producers and hence increases the margin of profit.
The investment control in the engineering design is the concrete externalization of the engineering money.