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时间:2022-10-20 20:00:31 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2649字


I can find something better


我可以───I can;更好───better


I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.───我可以全心全意地支持他们的观点。

I'm a blood donor; I can't risk any contagion.───我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。

I can run fast.───我能跑得快。

"I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.───“我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。

I'm as positive as I can be about it.───我对它有绝对的把握。

I can't think of anything in my life that's going right.───我想不起我的生活中有任何一帆风顺的事情。

I can never, ever forgive him. I despise him.───我永远不会原谅他。我鄙视他。

"I can't see it's any of your business," he raged.───“这根本不关你的事,”他生气地说。


I can hear voices through the wall.

You're wrong, and I can prove it.

I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain 

I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness.

That's the furthest I can see without glasses.