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时间:2022-10-20 20:02:19 作者:语文迷 字数:2547字


To be excused


获宥───To be excused


The child ate quickly and asked to be excused.───我得请求离开一小会儿。

I must ask to be excused.───我必须请求原谅。

He made matters worse by drinking too much at dinner, and was too polite to ask to be excused.───吃饭时又喝得过多,情况更加恶化了,但是他太讲礼貌不肯借口离开。

authentic Muslims' Restaurant. No food and drinks are allowed to Be Brought in. Beg to Be excused.───清真饭馆,任何食品饮料不得带入室内,敬请谅解。

ITV, Britain's biggest commercial broadcaster, is pleading to be excused from its obligation to produce local news.───英国最大一家商业广播电视台—ITV,如今正申请免除其报道当地新闻的职责。


He wished to be excused from his duties today.

"Oh, they want to be excused," the other girl said scathingly.

I must ask to be excused.

Henry got a stomachache and asked to be excused.

After we had sat talking for half an hour he asked permission to be excused.