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时间:2022-10-20 20:06:06 作者:趣历史 字数:2861字


My cabin




In the lightning I saw that the roof of the hut had been blown off.───闪电的时候,我看见棚屋的屋顶被掀掉了.

After the beggar finished his food. He left for home – a hut of wood.───那乞丐吃饱后. 他回去他的家–一间木屋.

You haven't lived till you've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut!───你还未学会在山间小屋中举行的下午茶舞会上用约德尔调歌唱的话,就不算真正地生活过。

You haven't lived till you've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut!───你要是还未学会在山间小屋的下午茶舞会上用约德尔调歌唱的话,那你就白活了!

The hut is in the midst of the forest.───小屋在森林深处.

We walked across the bridge and soon came to a hut.───我们走过桥,不久就到了小屋前.

The end hut is to be used for issuing guns to the new soldiers.───最边上的那间小屋要用来给新兵发放武器.

The poor old man lived in a little wooden hut.───那个贫穷的老人住在一间小木屋内.


They were driven to the hut for shelter.

The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.

A blast of cold air swept through the hut.

I struggled back to the hut through blinding rain.

The watchman lives in a hut no far from here.