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时间:2022-10-21 04:00:30 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2548字


Playing notes


奏帖───Playing notes


But after that, she was rocking out, playing notes over a backup track.───但在这之后,她就突然成了音乐大师,能够按照备用音轨演奏音乐了。

I idolized the great improvisers like Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, but I rarely sought a soloist role. I was content being a sideman, playing notes written by someone else.───我极其崇拜象班尼·古德曼和阿蒂·肖这样即兴演奏者,但我很少寻求独奏的机会,我喜欢吹着别人写的曲子为他人伴奏。

There's the melody up above, this bassoon playing the counterpoint, kind of in the middle, and then the bass playing these notes quietly underneath.───旋律在上面,这支巴松管来演奏对位,差不多在中间,然后低音提琴在底下静静地演奏这些音符。


The ad ends with him a piano playing notes a derogatory word.

I idolized the great improvisers like Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw, but I rarely sought a soloist role. I was content being a sideman, playing notes written by someone else.