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时间:2022-10-21 04:01:50 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2569字


field exercise




How much longer are the builders going to be blasting away with that damned drill? It's enough to send anyone up the wall.───那些建筑工人用那个该死的钻子到底还要钻多久? 真使人烦恼!

This drill can bore through rock.───这台凿岩机能钻透岩石.

The drill has variable speed control.───这钻机有变速控制。

The alarm was an abandon drill.───刚才的警报是弃船演习.

It took five years to drill down to bedrock.───耗时五年才钻到了基岩。

You'll have to drill into the wood before you can fix the shelf.───要装上这架子你得在木头上钻一个洞.

He used a drill to bore a hole in the door.───他用钻在门上钻孔.

Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends.───打钻和提钻时要保持钻头平稳。


He used a drill to bore a hole in the door.

Sandra winced as the dentist started to drill.

This drill can bore through rock.

You should drill some manners into the boy.

He was excused from drill.