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时间:2022-10-21 04:04:49 作者:语文迷 字数:2382字


He must be ninety years old


九十岁───ninety ;准───accurate


Your rent would only be ninety dollars a month.───这儿每月付九十美元租金就行.

Almost ninety per cent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported.───几乎90%的强奸案和暴力侵害案都没有报案。

You got here with ninety seconds to spare.───你到这里的时候还剩90秒钟时间。

President Cristiani expected the case to come to court within ninety days.───克里斯蒂亚尼总统要求案件在90天内送交法院审理。

Oxford Road joins the High Street at an angle of ninety degrees.───牛津路与该大街垂直相交.

More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.───目前已有90多名犯人因为一项政府特赦获得自由。

She was lumbered with a bill for about ninety pounds.───她必须得偿付一张90英镑左右的账单。

He attained the age of ninety.───他已达九十高龄.
