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时间:2022-10-21 08:03:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3121字


the subconscious


潜意识───the subconscious


Nothing really happens to a man except as it is registered in the subconscious.───并没有什么事会真的发生在一个人的身上,除非这件事已在他的潜意识里烙下了印记。

The subconscious mind takes in more than you think and can aid us greatly.───潜意识对我们的帮助比你想象的要大.

The subconscious does not communicate in words, but rather in pictures.───潜意识并不会用语言交流, 而只是画面.

But much the subconscious, it is tucked away somewhere beyond the grasp of the conscious mind.───但是和潜意识很相像, 它被藏在有意识的心智所能把握的地方之外.

As this stress increases, the subconscious attempts to suppress it.───当这个应力增加, 潜意识试图抑制.

Her study of dreams and the subconscious had improved her EQ greatly.───她对于梦及潜意识的研读对她的情绪智商有很大的帮助.

My answer seemed to come from the subconscious.───我的回答似乎出自下意识.

For remember the subconscious does not reason and judge. It only receives and obeys.───要记住,潜意识既不做推理也不做判断, 它只是接收和执行命令.


The subconscious mind is not haphazard in the way it works to protect you.

All this is stored in the subconscious memory and the habit continues when we grow up.

It was the subconscious mind taking over again.

In our clinical age, we call it the subconscious.

The subconscious having become a central concern of the age, a host of artists took the elemental self as their subject.