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时间:2022-10-21 20:00:46 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2677字


Font design




Mixing: Having more than one typeface, style or size in one line of text.───字体混合: 在一字行内,有多过一种字体 、 字款和字大小的情况.

I'd like the heading to be in a different typeface from the text.───我希望标题和正文使用不同的字体。

Grotesque: Group of typefaces classified under the British Standard. A form of the sans serif typeface.───哥耶斯格体: 依英制标准分类的一组字体. 是无衬线字体的一种形式.

Use a simple typeface , high - quality paper and an elegant design . Match your resume font.─────使用简单的字体 、 高质量的纸张和优雅的设计.

Type: You can decide what typeface and type size you wish to use.───1类型: 您可以决定什么类型的字体和大小要使用.

Outline letters: Typeface with only the outline defined.───空心字体: 只具轮廓线条的字体.

Have of may and there are typeface meaning and image meaning, but have no implicit meaning.───有的可能兼有字面意义和形象意义, 但没有隐含意义.

Whellolea typeface, you want all the letters to have the same height.───而咱们在设计字体的时候, 往往想给它们定义同样的高度.
