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时间:2022-10-21 20:05:00 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3361字


Virtuous literature


贤良───the virtuous;文学───literature


virtuous, he'll become upright himself.───蓬生麻中,不扶自直。

As the head of the true church, Peter's voicing here his disgust that the virtuous Edward King, soon to become a minister, had been lost at sea.───作为真我教会的首领,彼得声明了他对一度贞洁的爱德华金,即将成为一名牧师,失去自我的唾弃。

The virtuous circle so much praised would be broken.───这种被多加赞扬的良性循环将被打破。

From this one can see how much more virtuous and filial the ancients were. We should quickly return to the virtuous ways of old.───可见古人的性情,确是比较淳厚,我们怎能不快快恢复固有道德呢?

But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind . Truly the virtuous man pervades all directions with the fragrance of his virtue.───只有具德者之香才能逆风吹送,具德者之香能吹送至一切方向。

Compared with the recent dust-up between Rio Tinto and Chinalco, this is just the virtuous circle that China is trying to draw offshore.───与力拓(RioTinto)和中铝(Chinalco)之间最近的纷争相比,这正是中国希望在海外形成的良性循环。


The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

When the virtuous east strains that once one-up sold the cosmetic technology, very happy.

The virtuous man contents himself with dreaming that which the wicked man does in actual life. Sigmund Freud 

The virtuous person participated in virtuous actions within the social fabric.

In Los dos amigos the parents feelings are proved reprehensible and unjust and the virtuous characters' attitudes praiseworthy.