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时间:2022-10-22 00:00:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3562字


Fresh cut fruit


鲜切───Fresh cut;水果───Fruits


Fresh - cut vegetable is a new type of vegetable processing products.───鲜切蔬菜是一种新型的蔬菜加工产品.

Please feel free to place fresh cut flowers at any of our Memorial - Park locations.───请随时将鲜切花在任何我们的纪念 - 公园地点.

To make you scratch ya itch for it like fresh cut grass.───为了满足你的渴望就像刚除过的草.

Put fresh cut flowers in this handmade basket.───把刚剪下来的花放到这个手工制的篮子里.

Effect of bactericides, fresh - keeping agent, package, storage temperature on storage of fresh - cut water - bamboo was studied.───探讨了杀菌剂 、 保鲜液 、 包装条件 、 贮藏温度对鲜切茭白贮藏性的影响.

This article introduced the present status and the critical technics the fresh - cut vegetables processing.───本文论述了国内外净菜加工技术现状及其加工关键技术.

To make you scratch and itch for it like fresh cut grass.───让你抓狂就像刚割完的草坪一样渴望.

In October, the Texas Department of State Health Services ordered the shutting down of the Sangar Fresh Cut Produce plant in San Antonio, Texas.───月份,德克萨斯州健康医疗局命令关闭位于圣安东尼奥的Sangar新鲜素菜生产厂。


Generously plated and served with the freshest of greens, the Calamari Griglia was cooked al dente , and glistened with splashes of olive oil and had touches of fresh cut chilli.

Flavor characteristics: Fresh cut grass, gooseberries, currant, green beans and asparagus.

This type of disinfectant doesn't sting, even if you put it on a fresh cut.

To prevent and improve the fresh cut flowers, the main method and measures languish for fresh cut flowers produce physiological mechanism of aging and languish and biochemical changes process.

Top, bottom) Raising Formosan sika is still an important subsidiary industry in Green Island. Fresh cut deer grass has also become a common sight on the island.