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时间:2022-10-22 00:03:38 作者:语文迷 字数:2631字


Stop the wind from blowing away the soil




According to the weather forecast, there will be a gale tomorrow.───据气象台预报, 明天有大风.

A gale has risen and is sweeping the clouds across the sky.───大风起兮云飞扬.

There's a gale blowing.───刮大风.

I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale.───我不顾十级大风沿着步行街挣扎前行。

The terror of that gale was on him yet.───那场风暴到现在仍使他谈虎色变.

If it hadn't been bucketing down with rain and blowing a gale, I would have had a glorious view.───如果不是大雨和狂风,我本可以欣赏到极其美丽的风景。

Outside, the gale howled and drove the rain against the window in a crackling fury.───窗外是狂风怒吼,斜脚雨打那窗上的玻璃,达达达地.

The gale uprooted the tree.───风把树刮倒了.


We got our roof blown off in the gale last night.

The wind was increasing to gale force.

Many trees were blown down in the gale.

The gale blustered all night.

A gale was blowing from the east.