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时间:2022-10-22 04:02:57 作者:趣历史 字数:2540字


All the time


千年一律───All the time


He sings flat all the time.───他总是唱低了音。

We're playing a losing game by trying to undercut our competitor's prices all the time.───我们采用削价与我们的竞争对手抢生意,这是一件无胜利希望的事.

Stop thinking of shop all the time!───不要老是想着业务的事啦!

You're crossing my path in work by talking all the time.───你老说话妨碍我工作.

We as a society are growing more commercial and voyeuristic all the time.───我们的社会正变得越来越商业化,更好打探别人隐私。

She talks rubbish all the time.───她总是在说废话.

We can't be together all the time.───我们不能一直在一起。

They contradict each other all the time.───他们总是相互抵触.


Computers are getting faster all the time.

The kind old man is accompanied all the time.

The company is growing bigger all the time.

Getting worse and worse all the time.

I'm tired of having to pretend all the time.